مطالعه کتاب The Role of Holy Imams (A.S.) in the Revival of Religion جلد کلی
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The Role of Holy Imams (A.S.) in the Revival of Religion


Title: The role of holy Imams(A.S)in the revival of religion

Author(s): Allamah Sayyid Murtadha Askari

Translator(s): Michele Ahmadi

Publisher(s): Naba Organization

Category: Sunni amp; Shi’a General The 12 Imams

Topic Tags: Revival

Congress Classification: BP10/5/ع 5ن 704952 1372

Dewey decimal classification: 297 /08

National bibliography number: م 77-3381


شماره کتابشناسی ملی : م 77-3381

عنوان و نام پديدآور : The role of holy Imams(A.S)in the revival of religion/ Murteza Askari: Translated by Michele Ahmadi

مشخصات نشر : Tehran: Naba Organization, 1993 = 1372.

مشخصات ظاهری : [400] ص

عنوان قراردادی : [نقش ائمه در احیاآ دین. انگلیسی]

عنوان دیگر : نقش ائمه در احیاآ دین. انگلیسی

عنوان دیگر : The role of Holy Emamas (A. S.) in revival of religion

آوانویسی عنوان : )رول آو هولی ایمامز این ریوایول آو ریلیجن(

موضوع : اسلام -- مقاله ها و خطابه ها

موضوع : اسلام -- دفاعیه ها و ردیه ها

موضوع : محمد(ص)، پیامبر اسلام، 53 قبل از هجرت - ق 11

رده بندی دیویی : 297 /08

رده بندی کنگره : BP10/5/ع 5ن 704952 1372

سرشناسه : عسکری، مرتضی، - 1293

Askari, Murteza

شناسه افزوده : احمدی، میکله Ahmadi, Michele، مترجم

وضعیت فهرست نویسی : فهرستنویسی قبلی

volume 1


The series of lectures delivered by Allamah Sayyid Murtadha al-Askari on discussion of the principle matters concerning veracious Islam.

Featured Category: Debates amp; discussions Introducing the Ahlul Bayt Resources for Further Research Responses to Misconceptions



We hear talk of acquaintance with Islam in our century more than in any other. On one side there are the Western Orientalists whose fame and renown have spread the world over and whose writings and researches are published in various languages.(1)

On the other side are their Eastern students who are the bearers of Western Knowledge in the east; and the Professors of Orientalism in Universities in Islamic countries. Last of all we have those who are semi-educated in courses on the Islamic Sciences, whose influence in religious communities far exceeds that of the other groups.

We are convinced that the first group is deprived of a correct and precise understanding of Islam, because of lack of veracity, occasional partial or spiteful behaviour, and lack of conversance in Islamic Language and Culture.(2)

As for the second group, even though it is possible that they don't lack veracity, a lack of scientific expertise and submission to their western professors deprives them of seeing the eternal manifestation of the truth. The third groups deprivation requires no reason because a lack of sufficient research or learning is in itself reason for not

p: 1

1- One of the most important orientalist writings on Islam, with all of the lies, mistakes and fictions included in it is the “Encyclopedia of Islam” and as far as we know it has been published in English, French, German, Arabic, Turkish, Persian and Urdu.
2- In fact most of the orientalists were the enemies of Islam and hated it, such as «Lamans» or like «Louis Masinionn were the servants of Western Imperialism. «Refer to the books by Dr. Muhammad Albahy: “Al-Fikr-ul-Isla mi-al-hadees wa Sillatuhu bil Iste'maar al-Garbi”, Dr. Omar Foroukh and Dr. Mustafa Khaledy: “Al-tabsheer wal Iste'maar”, Anvar al-Jundy: “Al-Islam fi wajhel tafreeb”, Professhor Khorshid Ahmad: “Islam wa Garb”, Malek ibn Naby: “Entaaj-ul-Mostashreqeen wa asarahu fil fikr al-Islami-al-hadees”
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